Monday, 27 August 2012

2012 Events Announced

Well, we're trying something different this year. The Transition Middlesex group is growing, and in order to keep that growth happening, we decided to do not just one movie night. Not just one speaker. But a whole program of nine free movies and speakers.

A few members of the group read The Transition Handbook by Rob Hopkins (founder of the Transition model) this winter, and over the course of a couple of spring meetings, we decided that our group is really still in a state of 'awareness raising.' Something specific that struck me was how when Transition Town Totness (the first transition town) was first getting started, they showed movies and had speakers REALLY frequently. In the past, Transition Middlesex has done one or two movie nights per year, but inspired by the model that Transition Town Totness used, we decided to plan a really ambitious fall schedule of events, and advertise it all in one shot, therefore putting just a little more advertising work in for a lot more events.

Believe it or not, the nine free events listed below for September, October, and November 2012 is actually a paring down of a longer list of what we imagined doing! There are plenty of great speakers and films around, and lots of ideas for future events still in the wings. But for this year, we edited down to the movies we felt have the most impact, and describe must succinctly what transition is all about.

As for the speakers, I’m really excited about the speakers we have this year. From a tour of a forest garden (likely the oldest in Canada) to a talk about local techniques for sustainable building, we have some very experienced people giving talks that I for one am looking forward to. More details will follow here on the blog as we get closer to each event.

The full list of speakers and films follows below, as well as information on locations. Keep in mind these are all free, though donations are greatly appreciated.

7pm, Sept 5
In Transition 2.0
Film screening
Poplar Hill Baptist Church
7pm, Sept 12
Forest Garden Tour: Growing and Eating for a Nourishing Future
Speaker: Shantree Kacera
The Living Centre
7:30pm, Sept 19
Transition Middlesex Meeting
Regular meeting
Poplar Hill Baptist Church
7pm, Sept 26
Food: Centre of the Local Economy
Speaker: Helene St. Jacques
Poplar Hill Baptist Church
7pm, Oct 2
The Power of Community
Film screening
Poplar Hill Baptist Church
7pm, Oct 10
The Heart & Soul of Transition: The Psychology of Change – or, How to not go crazy during these changing times
Speaker: Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera
The Living Centre
7:30pm, Oct 17
Transition Middlesex Meeting
Regular meeting
Poplar Hill Baptist Church
7pm, Oct 24
In Transition 2.0
Film screening
Strathroy Library
7pm, Nov 7
Sustainable Energy Panel
Speakers: John Miller, Gary Zavitz
Poplar Hill Baptist Church
7pm, Nov 14
Sustainable Building
Speakers: Chris and Wil Dancey
The Living Centre
7:30pm, Nov 21
Transition Middlesex Meeting
Regular meeting
Poplar Hill Baptist Church
7pm, Nov 28
In Transition 2.0
Film screening
The Living Centre

Poplar Hill Baptist Church – 24415 Poplar Hill Rd, Poplar Hill (Middlesex Centre)
The Living Centre – 5871 Bells Rd, SW of London (Middlesex Centre)
Strathroy Library – 34 Frank St, Strathroy