Monday, 1 October 2012

The Power of Community - October 2nd free movie night

Almost any event Transition Middlesex has organized could be subtitled 'The Power of Community', but this week's free movie night features that as the main title, and as a subtitle: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil.

In the early 90s, the fall of the Soviet Union meant economic collapse for Cuba because the flow of oil from its only major trading partner ceased. This documentary follows the dramatic steps taken both by the Cuban people, and the Cuban government during this time called by Cubans the 'Special Period in Peacetime.'

Far from being a film only about a unique historical moment, the film-makers argue that the world needs to look at how Cuba adapted to a shortage of cheap oil (and came out the other side), in order to start making real changes in the global economy to prepare for a time when the amount of oil available is surpassed by the amount desired.

The film is about 45 minutes in length, and afterwards, we will have a discussion.

The event is at 7pm on October 2nd at the Poplar Hill Baptist Church in Poplar Hill, just north-west of London at 24415 Poplar Hill Rd.

I hope you can join us.

By the way - last week's event on local food was amazing! We had a great crowd out who heard what Helene St. Jacques had to say about local food hubs, and then worked in small groups to brainstorm and share their ideas about this topic. I'm working on a blog entry that will describe this evening in more detail to be posted soon. Thanks for all who came.

We're working on putting together a Food Work Group, so if you are interested in contributing to that (and live in the London or rural Middlesex area), please send me an email at readrobread at One of the important roles we're looking for is someone to organize meeting times and locations and communicate these to others who are interested.