Thursday, 25 April 2013
Exciting new videos from a permaculture pro
I've known Geoff Lawton's work for several years now, largely through the full length videos he has hosted about permaculture. He is the leader of the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia, and has taught Permaculture Design Certificates, as well as more advanced permaculture teachings for many years all over the world.
What makes the new series of videos he's been doing so cool, in my opinion, is that he's taking some of the best techniques that are normally used to sell widgets online, and applying them to 'selling' the ideas of permaculture (for free). The videos are highly professional, and start from an introductory place, then start giving real practical information and advice. The way that the videos are gradually being released, and the highly active way that Geoff is directly responding people's comment and questions, even answering their questions in secondary videos, is really quite amazing.
The most recent video is about building a five-acre permaculture paradise on a tight budget, with the previous one being about how to select a property for a permaculture project, and the next one coming up on urban permaculture. This most recent one comes with a free e-book as well.
You have to enter your email address to view the videos, which are otherwise free, and that means that you automatically hear when the next one is launched. He's also alluded to a big announcement coming up this weekend...stay tuned.
If you've not watched any of the videos yet, I highly recommend them. The one I've watched so far was about 35minutes in length, and very engaging and well-filmed.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Join us on Wednesday May 1st for...
Gratitude: Enough is Enough
We will be making Gratitude Journals and working through certain
processes in order to warm our hearts in appreciation. How much is
enough? What can we live without? These are all important questions to
face and work with in this age of abundant consumerism.
Jeremiah Riehl is a resident of Circle R ranch, where he lives in a tiny shack in the woods and teaches gardening to children.
Presented by Inner Transition at The Living Centre, 5871 Bells Road, Middlesex Centre, 7-9pm
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Artemisia's Forest Garden Nursery launched!
Last night's meeting was great, with a yummy dessert potluck, and a discussion about fermented food. Who would have guessed that transition from homemade kimchee, to apple wine, to cookies would be such a fascinating taste experience? Next month's meeting will be great too, with plans for a discussion of biodynamic farming, and further brainstorming about other groups we could work collaboratively with.
In other news, I wanted to announce the launch of Artemisia's Forest Garden, a plant nursery specializing in useful trees, shrubs, vines, and plants especially suited for Forest Gardens. The nursery was started by myself and another Transition Middlesex member. We saw that there is a growing need for edible, medicinal, and otherwise usable plants that people want to grow on their properties, or use in sustainable designs.
Learn more about Forest Gardening.
You can browse the selection of edible and medicinal plants, and reserve your plants today.
Artemisia’s Forest Garden takes online orders for live plants. After online pre-payment, plants are available for pick-up at the Living Centre, just south of London, Ontario, on specific dates. Plants will be bagged bareroot and moist, and labeled – so swift pick-up and planting will be essential. For Spring, 2013, the deadline to order is May 17, and the pick-up date is Friday, May 24.
More details, and the online store can be found here:
For this spring, there are over 100 types of plants available, with a heavy focus on medicinal and culinary herbs. In the coming years, we hope to offer many more perennial vegetables, and fruiting brambles, shrubs, and trees.
For those living further North in Ontario, I can't help but mention Fiddlehead Nursery as well, which also offers Forest Garden plants, near Collingwood, Ontario.
For those who live elsewhere in Canada, maybe you'd like to share other nurseries you know of who supply these types of plants in your neck of the woods. (For those living in the US and UK, we're jealous of the variety of plants you can easily purchase online!)
Monday, 15 April 2013
Dessert Potluck!
Now that I have your attention...
At the March meeting, we decided to have a big brainstorming session as the main theme of the April meeting. As well, Jaime Dunlop, of the Ausable River Soap Company, will give a 15 minute talk on fermented foods (eg. Kimchee), and there will indeed be a dessert potluck.
The theme of the brainstorming will be revisiting and expanding our mission and vision for the group. From the thoughts shared during the session, a revised mission and vision will be drafted, and shared at the next couple of meetings until we all agree on it.
This month's meeting is this Wednesday, April 17, at 7pm, at the Coldstream Community Centre, 10227 Ilderton Rd.
I really hope many of you will be able to join us for this session.
And now, back to...
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Peak Oil as seen through the eyes of Arab oil producers
This article was written by a westerner who was invited to attend a peak oil conference in the Middle East. The article gives an overview of what was discussed at the conference, namely how the Middle East will be affected by peak oil.Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Hope isn't something you have, it's something you do...
Join us tomorrow night for a workshop based on the work of Joanna Macy!
The Spiral Path: A Map for Personal Empowerment
Wednesday, April 3
7-9pm at The Living Centre, 5871 Bells Road , Middlesex CentreFacilitated by Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera
The Greatest Danger
Joanna Macy
posted Feb 01, 2008
How do we live with the fact that we are destroying our world? What do
we make of the loss of glaciers, the melting Arctic, island nations
swamped by the sea, widening deserts, and drying farmlands? Because of social taboos, despair at the state of
our world and fear for our future are rarely acknowledged. The
suppression of despair, like that of any deep recurring response,
contributes to the numbing of the psyche. Expressions of anguish or
outrage are muted, deadened as if a nerve had been cut. This refusal to
feel impoverishes our emotional and sensory life. Flowers are dimmer and
less fragrant, our loves less ecstatic. We create diversions for
ourselves as individuals and as nations, in the fights we pick, the aims
we pursue, and the stuff we buy.
Of all the dangers we face, from climate chaos
to permanent war, none is so great as this deadening of our response.
For psychic numbing impedes our capacity to process and respond to
information. The energy expended in pushing down despair is diverted
from more crucial uses, depleting the resilience and imagination needed
for fresh visions and strategies.
Zen poet Thich Nhat Hanh was asked, “what do we most
need to do to save our world?” His answer was this: “What we most need
to do is to hear within us the sounds of the Earth crying.”
Cracking the Shell
How do we confront what we scarcely dare to think? How do we face our grief, fear, and rage without “going to pieces?”
It is good to realize that falling apart is not such
a bad thing. Indeed, it is as essential to transformation as the
cracking of outgrown shells. Anxieties and doubts can be healthy and
creative, not only for the person, but for the society, because they
permit new and original approaches to reality.
What disintegrates in periods of rapid
transformation is not the self, but its defenses and assumptions.
Self-protection restricts vision and movement like a suit of armor,
making it harder to adapt. Going to pieces, however uncomfortable, can
open us up to new perceptions, new data, and new responses.
Speaking the truth of our anguish for the world brings down the walls between us, drawing us into deep solidarity. That solidarity is all the more real for the uncertainty we face.
In our culture, despair is feared and resisted
because it represents a loss of control. We’re ashamed of it and dodge
it by demanding instant solutions to problems. We seek the quick fix.
This cultural habit obscures our perceptions and fosters a dangerous
innocence of the real world.
Acknowledging despair, on the other hand, involves
nothing more mysterious than telling the truth about what we see and
know and feel is happening to our world. When corporate-controlled media
keep the public in the dark, and power-holders manipulate events to
create a climate of fear and obedience, truth-telling is like oxygen. It
enlivens and returns us to health and vigor.
Belonging to All Life
Sharing what is in our heart brings a welcome shift
in identity, as we recognize that the anger, grief, and fear we feel for
our world are not reducible to concerns for our individual welfare or
even survival. Our concerns are far larger than our own private needs
and wants. Pain for the world—the outrage and the sorrow—breaks us open
to a larger sense of who we are. It is a doorway to the realization of
our mutual belonging in the web of life.
Many of us fear that confrontation with despair will
bring loneliness and isolation. On the contrary, in letting go of old
defenses, we find truer community. And in community, we learn to trust
our inner responses to our world—and find our power.
You are not alone! We are part of a vast, global movement: the epochal transition from empire to Earth community. This is the Great Turning. And the excitement, the alarm, even the overwhelm we feel, are all part of our waking up to this collective adventure.
As in any true adventure, there is risk and
uncertainty. Our corporate economy is destroying both itself and the
natural world. Its effect on living systems is what David Korten calls
the Great Unraveling. It is happening at the same time as the Great
Turning, and we cannot know which way the story will end.
Let’s drop the notion that we can manage our planet
for our own comfort and profit—or even that we can now be its ultimate
redeemers. It is a delusion. Let’s accept, in its place, the radical
uncertainty of our time, even the uncertainty of survival.
In primal societies, adolescents go through rites of
passage, where confronting their own mortality is a gateway to
maturity. In analogous ways, climate change
calls us to recognize our own mortality as a species. With the gift of
uncertainty, we can grow up and accept the rights and responsibility of
planetary adulthood. Then we know fully that we belong, inextricably, to
the web of life, and we can serve it, and let its strength flow through
Uncertainty, when accepted, sheds a bright light on
the power of intention. Intention is what you can count on: not the
outcome, but the motivation you bring, the vision you hold, the compass
setting you choose to follow. Our intention and resolve can save us from
getting lost in grief.
During a recent visit to Kentucky, I learned what is
happening to the landscape and culture of Appalachia: how coal
companies use dynamite to pulverize everything above the underground
seams of coal; how bulldozers and dragline machines 20-stories high push
away the “overburden” of woodlands and top soil, filling the valleys. I
saw how activists there are held steady by sheer intention. Though the
nation seems oblivious to this tragedy, these men and women persist in
the vision that Appalachia can, in part, be saved and that future
generations may know slopes of sweet gum, sassafras, magnolia, the
stirrings of bobcat and coon, and, in the hollows, the music of fiddle
and fresh flowing streams. They seem to know—and, when we let down our
guard, we too know—that we are living parts of the living body of Earth.
This is the gift of the Great Turning.
When we open our eyes to what is happening, even when it breaks our
hearts, we discover our true size; for our heart, when it breaks open,
can hold the whole universe. We discover how speaking the truth of our
anguish for the world brings down the walls between us, drawing us into
deep solidarity. That solidarity, with our neighbors and all that lives, is all the more real for the uncertainty we face.
When we stop distracting ourselves by trying to
figure the chances of success or failure, our minds and hearts are
liberated into the present moment. This moment then becomes alive,
charged with possibilities, as we realize how lucky we are to be alive
now, to take part in this planetary adventure.
Joanna Macy wrote this article as part of Stop Global Warming Cold, the Spring 2008 issue of YES! Magazine. Joanna is a scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory and deep ecology, whose latest book is World as Lover, World as Self. She lives in Berkeley, CA.
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