Saturday, 26 October 2013

Nov. 16 & 17, The Work That Reconnects: How to Face the Mess We're in Without Going Crazy

he Work that Reconnects is a map for personal empowerment and transformation, deepening our capacity to act for the sake of Life on Earth. Drawing from deep ecology, systems theory and spiritual traditions, the Work That Reconnects (WTR) builds motivation, creativity, courage and solidarity for the transition to a vital Earth Community. First emerging in 1978, this pioneering, open-source body of work has its roots in the teachings of eco-philosopher Joanna Macy and colleagues.  WTR has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the globe to find creativity, solidarity and the courage to act. 
WTR involves a transformative journey around a spiral of four successive stages – Coming from Gratitude, Honouring our Pain for the World, Seeing with New Eyes, and Going Forth. Through gratitude we connect to our personal power and become more present to life. By honouring our pain for the world the truth of our inter-existence is made real to us. Seeing with new eyes brings a fresh understanding of who we are and how we are related to each other and the universe.  We begin to comprehend our own power to change and participate, as we go forth together to create a life-sustaining society.
WTR is a way to maintain balance and joy; a waking up to the beauty of life; a realization that we belong to this world and that the web of life is calling us forth at this time.
Natalie Zend, training consultant in international development and human rights programming and Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera, Co-director of The Living Centre and founder of Shamanu: Earth Wisdom Teachings, invite you into a journey of renewal, insight and hope as they share with you processes and philosophies that inspire the shifts in consciousness needed to usher in a 'new human'. One that consciously and compassionately co-creates with the living systems of Earth to create a truly vibrant and vital Earth Community. 
Saturday Nov. 16, 10:00 am. to 5:00 pm.
Sunday Nov. 17, 9:30 am. to 4:30 pm.  
Please choose the low, medium or higher price, based on your personal income. We want to ensure that people with diverse means are able to attend the workshop.
  high: $300
  medium: $250
  low: $200

Nov. 9, Spiritual Ecology: Follow Your Bliss & Heal the World a workshop for Women

How can the spiritual practice of "following your bliss" be one of the most important actions you can do in creating a new vibrant Earth Community?
How can following your bliss be critical to the evolution of Humanity?
How does reclaiming your bliss ignite the healing, love and compassion humans and Earth are worthy of?
How can following your bliss lead to sustained and resilient action on behalf of Life?
This one day workshop guides you into experiential processes and conversation to explore these vital questions.
Topics include:
* The meaning of Bliss to our Nature Self, how we lost this capacity and with it the sacred feminine* How following your bliss cares for your soul AND for the soul of Earth* A new definition of what the good life means during these times of global crisis * Ways to take the exhaustion and frustration out, and replace it with joy* Restoring 'healing through pleasure' to its spiritual status* The Universal power of Allurement
Join in this motivational experience and discover how your creativity and passions can support the next global transition.
"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls." Joseph Campbell

Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera is an Eco-Creativity guide, co-founder of ‘WomanEarth’, and founder of Shamanu: Earth Wisdom Teachings. Shamanu blends the powerful teachings of Earth Spirituality with Deep Ecology, Eco-philosophy, the New Sciences, Ritual and body-centered practices to support people in coming home to who they truly are and discovering the unique gifts that only they have to offer. "I learned a long time ago that by trying to be what others thought I should be is a sure way of getting sick. Learning to listen, trust and follow my deep allurements, not only gives me great joy and fulfillment, it is the only real gift I have to offer to Earth and the great web of life I am part of."
Lorenna is co-founder and director with her husband of The Living Centre and Living Arts Institute. She is a Permaculture Educator and Forest Gardener.  
Date: Saturday, November 9th, 2013
Time: 9:30am to 5pm.
$80 for members of The Living Centre & Circle Women's Centre
$95 for non-members
Location: The Circle Women's Centre - 1285 Western Road, London, Ontario, Canada, N6G 1H2

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Darren Doherty and Mark Shepard in London - October 26, 2013

On Saturday, October 26, 2013, two regenerative agriculture pioneers, Darren Doherty and Mark Shepard, will be engaging in a panel discussion with Western University professor Tony Weis. The evening is titled:

Moving Beyond Sustainability in Agriculture - Why Regenerative Agriculture?

This is an event not to be missed, as Darren Doherty, one of Australia's foremost voices in regenerative agriculture, comes together with Mark Sheppard, author of Restoration Agriculture, and London's own Tony Weis, author of The Ecological Hoofprint: The Global Burden of Industrial Livestock.

Full bios:

Darren Doherty, is a 5th generation Australian farmer and Regenerative Agriculture  pioneer who has worked in over 40 countries over 20 years as a farm planning consultant and educator, and originated the Regrarian concept  (a merging of ‘Regenerative Agrarian’). Darren has designed thousands of projects, focusing on the practical regeneration of agricultural landscapes, soils, communities, and families. 

Mark Shepard is the founding President of Restoration Agriculture Institute. He is also the CEO of Forest Agriculture Enterprises and runs New Forest Farm, a 106-acre perennial agricultural forest considered by many to be one of the most ambitious sustainable agriculture projects in the United States.  Mark will be selling copies of his bookRestoration Agriculture: Real Word Permaculture for Farmersfollowing the meeting.

Tony Weis is an Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Western Ontario, whose research on global agro-food systems is broadly located in the field of political ecology. He is the author of two books, The Ecological Hoofprint: The Global Burden of Industrial Livestock (2013) and The Global Food Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming (2007), and is currently co-writing a book with Harriet Friedmann, entitled: Precipice and Possibilities: A Political Ecology of Food.

When: Saturday, October 26, 2013. 7:30-9:30pm.
Where: Spencer Engineering Building Rm 2202, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada.
Fee: $15 (Fundraising Event for Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario)

For those who are practicing farmers, or interested in getting into farming, Darren Doherty will also be leading a three day workshop close to London. Full details follow below: 

Regenerative Agriculture Farm Planning
For those interested in regenerative agriculture, you are invited to participate in a three-day workshop providing leading edge expertise with Darren Doherty. This course is being offered for those interested in the serious & timely process of regenerating, restoring, rehabilitating, rehabitating, rekindling & rebooting agriculture. Principles from keyline design, holistic management, and broadscale permaculture are all brought into this workshop. 
Darren Doherty, is a 5th generation Australian farmer and Permaculture pioneer who has worked in over 40 countries over 20 years as a farm planning consultant and educator, and originated the Regrarian concept  (a merging of ‘Regenerative Agrarian’). Darren has designed thousands of projects, focusing on the practical regeneration of agricultural landscapes, soils, communities, and families. 
The Regrarian Open Consultancy (RAC) is a dynamic 2 day program designed to involve participants directly in the delivery of an integrated farm planning consultancy. The RAC has all participants working to understand a 10 step logical process involved with the 'Regrarian' Platform which methodically covers each element of farm planning and development. The RAC experience will result in participants understanding some of the process behind re-booting their own farming enterprises with a step by step approach that is highly adaptable to their own circumstances.

The one-day in-field Practicum (RAP) is a logical follow-up including application of some of the key principles and practices taught through the 2 day RAC Open Consultancy.
When:    Saturday October 26 – Monday October 28.
Where:   Days 1-2, Red Mill Farm, #2379, Rd 133, RR#1 St. Marys; and Day 3, Ever Terra Farms, Sparta, Ontario
Cost:      $345
Contact: Registration is on-line.  For questions: or for further information Facebook ;

Sunday, 6 October 2013

London Soup - This Thursday, Oct 10

This is such an awesome event. People with sustainable ideas give short descriptions of and answer questions about their ideas, then after a delicious meal of soup, the audience votes with their spoons for which speaker they'd like to win a micro-grant for their project. 

(For those who are international, I should mention that this is London, Ontario, Canada I'm talking about!)

It's a fun night out, with the opportunity to meet some interesting people, and help someone out with their local sustainable idea. 

There's still time to buy tickets online, or you can just show up at 5:30pm this Thursday, Oct 10, 2013 at Saffron's Restaurant, Fanshawe College.