The Forest Garden Convergence on May 31st is shaping up to be a really excellent event. A dozen speakers sharing their knowledge and experience with Forest Gardening; a specially recorded key-note video from Eric Toensmeier; vendors with forest gardening plants for sale; an evening of fun and entertainment.
If you are planning on attending – and I hope you are! – please remember to register.
We want to ensure that everyone attending has been accounted for (you
know, things like name badges and seats and … well, you’ll have to wait
to get there for the rest), therefore registration is important. If you
haven’t registered you will miss important information about the day as
that information will be going out to registrants only. If you’ve
registered but someone coming with you hasn’t, please give them a
nudge. We want them to get participant information too.
By the way, the image above is the flower of a Maypop, our northern passion flower that can grow in Zone 5 and warmer. After the flower comes the fruit. Yes - passion fruit can be grown in Ontario!