Thursday 4 July 2013

Dreams & Transition

Last night's Inner Transition workshop about creative dreaming was really inspirational for me. I presented a number of ideas from Patricia Garfield's excellent book Creative Dreaming. I shared lots of techniques for remembering your dreams, dream friends, and 'dream incubation' - to assist in controlling the content of your dreams, as well as sharing some insights from the Senoi tribe of Malaysia, whose culture is strongly imbued with dreams. Throughout, people shared their own dreams, and other things they'd heard about dreams - I learned a lot too.

In the second half, we talked about how creative dreaming could be tied in with the Transition movement. I wanted to share some of the ideas that came up, to get others thinking about this:

1. Ask questions or look for insights about Transition from dream friends (ie. recurring positive figures in your dreams).

2. Have members of the group use dream incubation techniques to dream about the topic(s) of the next meeting, in order to steep themselves with ideas for the meeting.

3. When deciding what you would like to dream about using dream incubation techniques, ask yourself why you want to dream about that - that is, why is it a dream, and how could we make that dream a reality through Transition?

4. By recognizing that our thoughts have power, even our dreaming thoughts, we can intentionally purify or change our dreams, which carries over into changes in our waking life. Likewise, we could create habits in our dreams that we bring with us to our waking lives.

6. Sharing dreams could be used to help people get to know each other. This could take the form of a separate email list for those interested, or future sessions devoted to talking about dreams.

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